What is an Oscilloscope?

a call to action banner for oscilloscope products, an electronic test instrument for voltage signals.
An oscilloscope, also known as a scope or oscillograph, is an electronic diagnostic test instrument that graphically displays voltage signals as waveforms over time. It measures electrical waveforms, visualizing properties like amplitude, frequency, distortion, time intervals, and shape on an interface, which helps analyze electrical signal characteristics across various applications.

What Does an Oscilloscope Measure?

Oscilloscope measurements primarily involve capturing voltage waves over time, with voltage displayed vertically on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis. Waveform intensity may also be shown on the Z-axis. This device enables the analysis of various electrical properties based on the displayed waveforms, allowing users to assess aspects as follows:
  • Current: Measured using a current probe or by assessing voltage drop across a resistor.
  • Sound: Analyzed by converting audio signals into voltage with a transducer.
  • Capacitance: Indirectly gauged by calculating time constants in circuits.
  • DC Voltage: Determined manually by counting vertical divisions and multiplying by the volts per division.
  • Inductance: Estimated using a function generator but typically with an uncertainty rate of 3-5%.
  • Frequency: Measured either automatically or manually by calculating the period of the waveform and inverting it.

Basic Systems of an Oscilloscope

An oscilloscope's functionality is categorized into three main groups based on its internal components and their roles:
  • Display and Interface: Modern oscilloscopes use LCD or LED panels for clear waveform visualization. The interface includes the vertical system with controls for signal amplitude, such as the volts-per-division selector and vertical beam position, and the horizontal system that manages the time base with selectors for seconds-per-division and beam positioning.
  • Signal Processing: This includes the amplifier/attenuator which adjusts signal amplitude to prevent damage and ensure accuracy. The ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) then processes these signals by converting them into digital data, which is stored in memory for later analysis.
  • Control and Measurement: The oscilloscope's probe acts as the point of connection to the circuit under test, suitable for different types of measurements. The trigger system stabilizes the waveform by initiating data capture under specific conditions. Control logic in digital oscilloscopes allows for flexible and precise configuration of capture settings, while the time base regulates the display's horizontal axis to effectively capture varying signal speeds.

How Does an Oscilloscope Work?

A visual presentation of how an oscilloscope works

From signal acquisition to display, here are the operational stages of an oscilloscope and how it processes and visualizes electrical signals.
  • Signal Acquisition: The oscilloscope captures electrical signals via input connectors connected to probes, which can receive signals from various electronic sources.
  • Signal Amplification: To enhance visibility and precision, the oscilloscope amplifies the incoming signal to a level suitable for detailed display analysis. It then uses an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to sample the signal voltage and convert it into a digital format for further processing.
  • Horizontal Deflection: The time-based control generates a horizontal sweep, mapping time across the display to track how signals evolve. The sample clock within the horizontal system assigns accurate time coordinates to each voltage sample, driving the ADC. This process ensures the digital output is reliably stored in the acquisition memory for detailed analysis.
  • Vertical Deflection: The signal's voltage is mapped to the vertical scale of the display, allowing the user to adjust the vertical position and sensitivity to better visualize signal amplitude.
  • Triggering: The trigger system stabilizes the waveform display by refreshing the screen at a specific point in the signal, as set by the user. This step ensures the consistent visualization of the waveform, using the predetermined condition as a time reference to anchor the display.
  • Display: The oscilloscope displays the event that meets the trigger criteria with the visualized signals on the screen, including the waveform data before and after the event, allowing for a detailed examination of the signal behaviors.

Applications of Oscilloscopes

Oscilloscopes have been indispensably used for product testing and troubleshooting, crucial across various phases of electronic product development—from design to production. Beyond electronics, they also play a vital role in sectors such as healthcare and the automotive industry, where they help engineers ensure smooth production and maintain high-quality standards.


Oscilloscopes measure voltage against time to quickly identify issues in electronic circuits. This is crucial for debugging during design phases and for quality control in production. Their ability to detect fine details in waveforms like voltage spikes, signal distortion, timing issues, and noise makes them indispensable for ensuring circuit reliability and performance.

Moreover, technicians can also use oscilloscopes to troubleshoot and repair electronics in devices like radios, TVs, computers, or other audio-video systems. They assess and test signal integrity and timing, crucial for maintaining the functionality of communication devices and networks.

Educational and Research

Oscilloscopes offer real-time visualizations of electrical signals that are crucial for teaching complex topics like electronics principles, signal analysis, and circuit troubleshooting. They also play a key role in developing new technologies by allowing students and researchers to observe and analyze signal behaviors, thus enhancing experimental and educational experiences.

Vehicle Repair

Automotive oscilloscopes diagnose electrical problems in vehicles, particularly those affecting starting systems or fuel injectors. By displaying detailed waveforms of electronic signals, they help mechanics pinpoint issues quickly, enhancing the efficiency of repairs.


Oscilloscopes are used to visualize electrical activities of the heart, muscle, and brain, such as in ECGs, EMGs, and EEGs. This precise measurement is vital for diagnosing conditions and monitoring patient health effectively, like checking heart irregularities or brain waves.

Different Types of Oscilloscope

There are two types of oscilloscopes: analog and digital. Analog oscilloscopes were preferred for their real-time waveform display, but limitations in storing and triggering waveforms led to the rise of digital storage oscilloscopes. These digital versions offer advanced features like multiple triggers and PC connectivity but struggle with displaying real-time waveforms. Let’s take a closer look at these 2 types of oscilloscopes.


Analog oscilloscopes use a cathode ray tube (CRT) to display waveforms, where an amplified input signal deflects an electron beam across the screen to visualize changes in real time. These scopes are excellent for showing continuous, rapidly changing waveforms. However, due to their limitations in stable triggering and waveform storage, along with a lack of advanced features and measurement capabilities, the use of digital storage oscilloscopes has become more prevalent in handling complex data needs in modern electronics.


Digital oscilloscopes transform analog signals into digital format using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This capability allows them to process and display data as waveforms on LCD or LED screens.

With digital technology, these oscilloscopes facilitate complex analysis, including simultaneous display of multiple waveforms, storage of data for future review, and precise automatic measurements. They are equipped with advanced features such as waveform storage, detailed analysis tools, and mathematical functions, meeting diverse needs across various types.

Ranging from general-purpose models to more sophisticated and expensive variants, there are 5 common kinds of digital oscilloscopes:
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO): Ideal for capturing, recalling, and storing waveforms for later analysis, especially suited for high-speed, multichannel design applications with low repetition rates.
  • Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO): Offers real-time Z-axis (intensity) visualization, enhancing the digital storage capability with advanced acquisition techniques for a clearer display of complex signals. Widely used for advanced applications like communication mask testing and intermittent signal debugging.
  • Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO): Combines the features of a digital oscilloscope with additional digital inputs, enabling simultaneous analysis of both analog and digital signals. It is particularly effective for debugging digital circuits.
  • Mixed Domain Oscilloscope (MDO): Extends MSO capabilities by integrating a spectrum analyzer for RF(Radio Frequency) debugging along with standard analog and digital signal analysis.
  • Digital Sampling Oscilloscope: Specializes in very high-speed signal analysis, providing jitter and noise analysis with exceptional accuracy. It achieves significantly higher bandwidth and timing resolution for analyzing repetitive signals than other types of oscilloscopes.

In general, while digital oscilloscopes are favored today for their advanced features and versatility, analog oscilloscopes still have their place in specific applications and educational settings.

How to Choose the Right Oscilloscope

Choosing the right oscilloscope involves understanding key factors that affect performance and accuracy, ensuring optimal functionality for specific applications. Here's what to consider:


Vertical Sensitivity

This refers to the ability of an oscilloscope to describe how effectively the vertical amplifier can accurately amplify weak signals, with its capacity typically measured in millivolts per division. High vertical sensitivity is crucial for detecting small changes in signal amplitude, which can be important in applications such as small-signal circuit testing or monitoring low-voltage sensors.


The bandwidth determines how well the oscilloscope can measure high-frequency signals. A rule of thumb is to select a bandwidth that is at least three to five times higher than the highest frequency to be measured to avoid aliasing and signal distortion. This ensures that the waveform's characteristics are accurately captured, which is crucial for applications such as high-speed digital signal testing where precision matters.

Sample Rate

The sample rate affects the oscilloscope's ability to accurately reconstruct a waveform. A higher sample rate provides a more accurate depiction of the waveform, which is essential for capturing transient details and minimizing sampling errors. Generally, a sample rate that is at least four to five times the real-time bandwidth is recommended to ensure that the waveform is well-defined and anomalies are not missed.

Number of Channels

More channels allow simultaneous observation and comparison of multiple signals or waveforms, which is beneficial in complex systems analysis. This can dramatically reduce troubleshooting time and enhance the capability to diagnose system interactions and problems, especially in multi-channel systems like phased array systems.

Display Quality

A high-resolution display is vital for distinguishing between fine details in waveforms. Good display quality can help in identifying subtle waveform anomalies, which might indicate problems in the circuit's function. This is particularly important when fine-tuning a system's performance or when dealing with complex signal structures.

Memory Depth

The memory depth determines how long an oscilloscope can capture data at its full sampling rate. A deeper memory allows for longer time captures at a high resolution, essential for analyzing complex and long-duration signals. This can impact the effectiveness of debugging, especially in systems where issues occur sporadically or over long periods.

Rise Time

It defines the oscilloscope’s ability to accurately capture fast transitions within a signal. A shorter rise time allows the oscilloscope to handle higher frequencies and more rapidly changing signals, making it essential for high-speed electronics where precision in capturing edge transitions is required for effective analysis and troubleshooting.

Triggering Capabilities

Triggering capabilities enable the isolation of distinct signal events, maintain stability in repetitive waveforms, and deliver precise signal characterization. A more advanced triggering system allows for a more precise capture of event-related data. This is particularly important in digital circuits or serial applications where specific conditions or errors need to be captured for proper analysis.

Contact Us

As your trusted oscilloscope supplier, ESE is committed to delivering only the highest quality products tailored to your specific testing needs. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional support and service. Explore our extensive range of oscilloscopes today, and feel free to reach out with any questions or to place your order. At ESE, your satisfaction isn't just a goal—it's our guarantee!




3/4GHz, 12-Bit, 20GSa/s, 1Gpts

HKD 150,000 up


300/500/1000MHz, 12-Bit, 4GS/s, 400Mpts

HKD 28,000 up


100/200MHz, 12-Bit, 2GS/s, 100Mpts

HKD 7,000 up

Tektronix MSO6B

1/ 2.5/ 4/ 6/ 8/ 10 GHz, 50GS/s, 12-Bit, 1Gpts

HKD 338,000 up

Tektronix MSO5B

350/ 500/ 1000/ 2000 MHz, 6.25GS/s, 12-Bit, 500Mpts

HKD 178,000 up


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